Series: Dynamic Oscillations #09

This painting was created as part of the series “Dynamic Vibrations” and represents the constant movement. There are no interruptions, the transitions are sometimes harmonious, sometimes abrupt. At times the movements can be understood, but as a rule they are unpredictable and therefore erratic. It is a cycle that goes on and on, partly repeats itself, but never comes to an end.


30 cm x 30 cm


Oil, canvas, structure paste, nails, cord


Oktober 2022


400 €

If you want to buy a painting, please send me an e-mail with the picture number e.g. (#1) and your address. You can then easily transfer or pay via PayPal. Delivery is always free all over the world! You tell me where you are and I'll take care of the shipping :-).

Oil Painting Roman Feron
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