Dynamic #61

The dynamic that never ends. Many things around us are influenced by a constant force – whether in nature or in our society – and the current situation shows it very clearly once more: we are automatically carried along by these external events. I am currently observing this strong dynamic on the one hand from my studio, which stands on a cliff and is surrounded by the sea, and on the other hand I see the same dynamic in the world news and personal conversations. Both sources have enormous power and influence our existence consciously and unconsciously. The rope here gives this dynamic an additional special meaning, because everything is interconnected and cannot be considered separately.


150 cm x 75 cm


Oil, canvas, structure paste, nails, cord


September 2022


5.500 €

If you want to buy a painting, please send me an e-mail with the picture number e.g. (#1) and your address. You can then easily transfer or pay via PayPal. Delivery is always free all over the world! You tell me where you are and I'll take care of the shipping :-).

Oil Painting Roman Feron
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